Faster Google Indexing Now Possible with New Free SEO Tool

Faster Google Indexing Now Possible with New Free SEO Tool

Google had indexed all pages in less than 48 hours

google indexing script

google indexing script



You can now use a free and open-source script to slash Google indexing time from months to less than 48 hours with this new SEO indexing tool.

Manually requesting indexing is not a scalable solution, so I started looking for alternatives.”

— Guilherme Oenning

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA, February 10, 2024 / — A web developer has released an open-source script that can slash the time it takes Google to index websites from months to less than 48 hours. Created by Guilherme Oenning, the aptly named Google Indexing Script uses the Search Console API to notify Googlebot of URLs to prioritize crawling directly.

With over 5,400 stars on GitHub, this free tool signals strong demand in the SEO industry for solutions to long-standing indexing delays.

The Challenge of Slow Indexing

Websites rely on search engines like Google to index their pages in order to get discovered by users. However, Googlebot can take weeks or even months to crawl large or complex websites fully. This site indexing lag leaves valuable content effectively hidden despite best efforts at search optimization.

Oenning created the Google Indexing Script after seeing many website owners and developers lose organic traffic and business opportunities while awaiting progress on indexing. The tool emerged from his personal frustration with indexing bottlenecks and observation of pain points in the SEO community.

“There had to be a better way than this months-long standby,” said Oenning. “The script evolved from my exploring alternative solutions to help Googlebot discover and index sites faster.”

How the Google Indexing Script Works

The Google Indexing Script allows users to submit URLs to a priority indexing queue rather than depending on Googlebot to discover them organically. This proactive submission process relies on API integration with Google Search Console.

After connecting analytics credentials to access a website property, the script asks users to input a list of URLs. It then directly contacts Googlebot to crawl and index those specified pages within 48 hours typically.

The SEO indexing tool also automatically checks indexing status daily and lets users re-submit any URLs returning validation errors for any reason. For larger websites, the script can crawl and submit the full XML sitemap to accelerate full indexing.

This streamlined method provides a shortcut to faster indexing by focusing Googlebot’s attention directly on new and updated content through API signals. Rather than guessing what might be added or changed on a site, the script tells Googlebot precisely which URLs to prioritize for its crawling budget.

Why Faster Indexing Matters:

The faster a site can get indexed by Google, the sooner that content becomes eligible to rank in search results and drive organic traffic. Any delays in indexing therefore also postpone potential visibility, backlinks, and business growth.

Speeding up the integration of new pages into Google’s search index translates directly into quicker wins in site traffic, brand visibility, and return on content investment. With Google processing over 3.5 billion searches per day, websites can hardly afford sluggish inclusion into those high-value results pages.

Combined with technical SEO best practices, the Google Indexing Script acts to radically shorten time-to-market for fresh content. Within 48 hours, newly published pages can leapfrog months-long indexing waits to participate in generating visitors, leads, and revenue.

The Future of Faster Indexing:

As an open source project hosted on GitHub, Oenning welcomes contributions to evolving the Google Indexing Script’s capabilities. With indexing delays remaining a commonly-cited frustration for webmasters around the world, innovation to accelerate Googlebot crawling retains extremely high global demand.

Oenning himself continues to actively develop this high-value Google indexing tool together with his SEO tool called SEOgets, based on user feedback. Future iterations will focus on more direct Search Console integrations and a way to see all your rankings and progress in one place.

The SEO industry views this free script as a breakthrough in efficiently prioritizing fresh and updated content. While the SEO tool promises no search ranking gains inherently, it does enable pages to become index-eligible faster.

Many publishers currently choose to hide content behind paywalls to monetize the high value of zero-indexed information. Free indexing script mirrors that premium benefit in some ways.

In any case, an SEO tool facilitating faster blog post indexing after publishing unlocks faster SEO rankings. The free Google Indexing Script lowers a major barrier limiting the velocity from creating content to seeing market visibility.

As demand for frictionless website indexing solutions only continues intensifying globally, this script is ready for mass adoption. Its open-source availability also makes it a more accessible option than some paid Google indexing tools, which do offer better usability and support.

Under Oenning’s stewardship and the SEO community’s ongoing involvement, the enhancement of the Google Indexing Script appears to be progressing. SEOgets remains laser-focused on efficiently empowering webmasters through technology that few can build themselves.

Ilias Ism
MagicSpace SEO
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